According to the results of the judicial seminar, which took place in Kyiv for days, three members of the BFDR became judges of the national category, one – a judge of the first category.
The new categories are distributed as follows: Pavel Gaiduchenko – judge of the 1st category of the all-around bodyguards, Dmitry Romanyuk, Nikolay Alekseenko and Nikolay Moroz – judges of the national category. Also, the Federation’s partner and invited expert Timur Kudlay received the international category of refereeing for this sport.
Traditionally, the seminar took place on one day, combining several stages. During the first part, there was an open discussion of the rules, criteria and existing errors in judging modern types of all-around events. The judges exchanged experiences and made suggestions on what they would like to improve in the general judicial system. In the second part of the seminar, individual exams for assigning categories were held.
Congratulations to the members and friends of our Federation on new professional sports peaks!