Yesterday, the ceremonial opening of the Championship of Ukraine in all-around bodyguards took place. The participants of the competition were congratulated by the deputy head of the UDO of Ukraine Oleksandr Ivanchuk. The president of the Federation of Bodyguards of Ukraine, police general of the third rank, Serhiy Budnyk, thanked the organizers for organizing the competition and wished the participants good luck and the spectators a spectacle.
Already the first day seemed full. 26 teams performed at once in three types of all-around guards: providing medical aid to a guarded person and his evacuation, performing protection techniques during foot escort and performing hand-to-hand combat techniques.
Dnipropetrovsk region was well represented at the Championship by the team of BFDR “Dnipro-Zyklon”. Its members included: Kyrylo Bondarev, Dmytro Yeschenko, Volodymyr Starikov, Oleksandr Grigorchuk.
According to the protocol, our team scored 43.8 points for foot escort. The guarded person managed to evacuate with the result 1.44.53. In hand-to-hand combat, Bondarev and Hryhorchuk performed for the team with results of 67.20 and 68.40, respectively.
It is interesting that the BFDR team is performing for the first time in this composition at the All-Ukrainian Championship. The coach of the team, Pavlo Hayduchenko, emphasizes that the current participation is a kind of baptism of fire for the boys. “Winning is definitely important. But now we are more focused on studying the experience of advanced security teams of Ukraine and the world and further analysis of our participation. I would like to reach a common denominator and introduce tactics and methods into my daily practice,” the team’s coach summed up the first stage of the competition.
Today, our team has already competed in the shooting competition, the results of which will be known tomorrow morning.