The All-Ukrainian Council of Reanimation and Emergency Medical Care, together with the Department of Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine of the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Academy, continues enrollment in the MEDEVAC course, which will take place from April 13 to 15 in Dnepr.
The three-day course includes theoretical lectures and practical skills stations. Participants will have the opportunity to complete the next level of medical training.
The course program contains: MARCH and ATLS principles at the medical evacuation stage; additional options for stopping bleeding; ensuring airway patency, tracheal intubation (difficult intubation); tension pneumothorax, drainage of the pleural cavity; Ventilation, monitoring; internal bleeding, diagnosis, F.A.S.T protocol; massive hemothorax, diagnosis, treatment; cardiac tamponade, pericardiocentesis; shock at the MEDEVAC stage, treatment. In addition, participants are trained to perform blood transfusions in tactical conditions, perform neurological examinations, insert a gastric tube and urinary catheter, and triage the wounded.
Among the course teachers are professors and employees of the department, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of medical sciences, doctors of the intensive care unit and emergency medical services.
The event will take place at the Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital at the address: Dnepr, st. Kosmicheskaya, 13, Central building, 3rd floor, training center. You can familiarize yourself with the conditions for registering and taking the course on the organizers’ website or by calling + 380979521195, as well as by email tccc.ukraine@gmail.com