The authorized expert of the Federation of Bodyguards of the Dnipropetrovsk region, master of sports of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat, Oleksandr Zavizion, again won the championship at the Championship of Ukraine, which took place in Kyiv last weekend. The World Championship awaits the winner ahead!
Oleksandr holds the championship for the fourth year in a row. According to Oleksandr, the recipe for victory is simple: “Discipline is all the same. As in sports, as in life, everywhere. If the goal is set – just move forward.”
In total, more than 300 participants from all regions of Ukraine competed for the title of the best this year. Among them are military personnel and law enforcement officers.
All over the world, hand-to-hand combat is considered not only as a sport and as a basis for combat training of security forces and special forces. Mastery of hand-to-hand combat techniques already plays a key role in the bodyguard profession today, and in the future it is expected that this sports skill will become a component of the gold standard of the bodyguard profession in Ukraine.