For the purpose of official employment, Ukrainian security guards will come out of the shadows and enter their data into a single register.
The non-governmental organization “Professional Association of Security Guards” has published a draft of amendments to the Law “On Security Activities” and a draft of the “Professional Standard of a Security Guard”. The documents are published on the official website of the organization.
In the future, the adoption of these projects by the parliament will allow the legalization of personal security as a type of security business. The new profession code will appear in the profession classifier of Ukraine. And this means that security guards will be able to officially get a job, undergo licensing and receive permission to carry firearms.
Another condition for the legalization of the profession is the creation of a single register of security guards. It will display information about the level of qualification and professional training of all those who provide personal security services. According to Oleg Konchakovskyi, one of the authors of the project, “the register will ensure uniform principles of identification and registration of security guards.”
The representatives of specialized organizations in the regions fully agree with the fact that chaos reigns in the personal protection market today and decisive actions are needed.
In particular, the Chairman of the Council of the Federation of Bodyguards of the Dnipropetrovsk Region Oleksandr Bukhanovsky emphasizes: “Our Federation fully supports the initiative of colleagues from Kyiv. We also consider it important and necessary to share experience at all possible levels. But special attention should be paid to the security of the specified information, its storage, use, and the level of access of participants. It should not be forgotten that the register, the creation of which is now being heatedly discussed, is a potential tool for crime and unscrupulous competitors. Therefore, security in the creation of the register is a key and primary aspect.”
We would like to remind that in recent years, tragic incidents involving security guards while performing their official duties have become more frequent. For example, as a result of an explosion in Kyiv, Mosiychuk’s bodyguard assistant Ruslan Kushnir was killed. That is why today it is so important to talk about the profession of a security guard in the legislative field.