During the traditional annual conference “Bodyguard – 2020”, which will be held on August 15 in Odessa, leading security experts will discuss new opportunities for private security in the face of a growing crisis.
The conference will raise issues of information and analytical work of bodyguards, prevention of contract killings, knowledge and skills of security guards and bodyguards in the event of threats associated with fires at various facilities, fire fighting tactics and effective evacuation algorithms.
The practical part of the conference will include a demonstration of the capabilities of the voluntary fire rapid response group (RRT), equipment and equipment; as well as a demonstration of the elements of boarding / disembarking a protected person from a car. The participants of the conference will also have other interesting reports and expositions.
The conference will be held with the support of the Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Ukraine and the Center for Primary Professional Training “Police Academy” of the Odessa State University of Internal Affairs.
The cost of participation in the conference is 1200 hryvnia. Registration is open from July 10 by phone: +38 067 135 88 81.
The organizers note that if you have at your disposal an interesting report on the topic of security, protection or security technologies, as well as a desire to speak and talk about your company, share important information, present an exhibition exposition, please call: +38 050 135 88 81.